Stainless Countersunk Woodscrews

Good quality self-colour stainless steel countersunk woodscrews with recessed heads. Note: Single unit prices are rounded - refer to box rate for exact cost. Please order the actual quantity of screws required i.e 400, not the number of boxes.

Product Image Item Name Price+
Stainless Countersunk Woodscrews 12 x 3"

Stainless Countersunk Woodscrews 12 x 3"

Price per box of 100: £32.62 Discount code: B Recess Size: PZ3

Min:  100 Units:  100
Stainless Countersunk Woodscrews 12 x 4"

Stainless Countersunk Woodscrews 12 x 4"

Price per box of 100: £39.85 Discount code: B Recess Size: PZ3

Min:  100 Units:  100